
All performing arts groups should have a website, Facebook page, or something of the like with their group information (hereby referred to just as “website”). Websites serve as the first point of contact for people outside of the organization, and are great ways to advertise themselves to potential new members, potential sponsors or gigs, and more!

The following is a list of things that should be easily accessible on a group’s website:

  • The full name of the group
  • The logo of the group
  • What the group is (what style dance, what genre music, etc.)
  • What the group does (how many shows and when, anything else that makes your group different/interesting)
  • Brief history of the group (including the year the group was founded)
  • The board of the group
  • How to contact the group (address, email(s))

The following is a list of suggested things that should be easily accessible on a group’s website:

  • List of current members
  • List of alumni
  • Audition dates, times, and location (when appropriate)
  • Show dates, times, and location (when appropriate)
  • Other performance event titles, dates, times, and locations.
  • List of past shows
  • List of awards the group has won
  • Media content (videos, photos, etc.)
  • Links to any other social media the group uses

Check out the websites of your peers from ACKDACSMAC, and TAC-e.